EFT Hives

Today I had a new experience with EFT. It was through Facebook. I have a friend who is a young mother and she posted on Facebook today that she had broken out in hives. She knows I do EFT, but quite frankly I have no idea how much she knows about it, since I am actually friends with her mother. So, I sent her a little note telling her where to access my videos and intro info and gave her some very basic information with only five of the points and abbreviated Setup Statement. I instructed her on how to do the remaining part and to repeat until she was down to the low number.

Eight minutes later, I got a message back from her:

The hives were about a 10. I had red splotchy arms and chest really bad. I had to do the tapping about three times, they are about a 2 still, but all the redness is gone, but the bumps are still present. But they stopped itching, which was the main point. Thanks a bunch for this. My children seem to be irritating me less now that the itching has stopped!”

I sent a note back congratulating her and asking whether she had taken any Benadryl or other products. She responded that she had used some lavender essential oils but nothing else but the tapping and that “Now my headache is gone and the bumps are nearly gone.”

Here is what I instructed her to do:

Try this. Take your fingertips and tap on the place where you would karate chop on the fleshy part of your hand. While you do that for 30 seconds, just say “These hives, I’m okay.” Several times.
Then take your fingers and go down both sides with both hands and tap with your fingertips on the eye bone socket right under your eyes, and say “These hives” 3 or 4 times while tapping 7-8 times.
Then do the same and say “These hives” (at each spot now) and tap with your fingers right in the middle of your nose and upper lip. 
Repeat at the curve of your chin under your lower lip. Repeat by putting your flat hand where a man would knot his tie just under the v in your neck, and tap that spot same as above.
Repeat by tapping and repeating as above about 4 inches under your armpit on your side about where your bra strap goes round.
Repeat by tapping on the top of your head. (Crown).
Take a deep breath. Now 0-10, how bad are they?
If not 1 or 0, repeat above. But on karate, say “I still have hives but I’m okay.”
Your phrase at each point would then be “remaining hives” or “remaining hives emotion.”
Go around again. Take a deep breath. 0-10? Repeat until very low number.

EFT takes care of hives via Facebook. I love that!

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