The Law Of Vibration

By Dawn Norton |

The scientific definition of vibration according to the Encyclopedia Britannica is: Vibration, periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium, commonly resulting when almost any physical system is displaced from its equilibrium condition and allowed to respond to the forces that tend to restore equilibrium. Put simply, vibration is motion. Back…

Of Anger, Grief, and Healing

By Dawn Norton |

I think I’m a pretty good listener most of the time. Like everyone, I have my moments where I’m more concerned about my position than really hearing someone else. Because of my own background, sometimes I am angered or enraged at events around me, usually because I am not heard. As a coach, I’m trained…

When EFT Doesn’t Work

By Dawn Norton |

Every once in awhile I run across someone who says they have diligently tried EFT and it just doesn’t work for him or her. I have only met two people in fifteen years that have found no benefit to EFT. One was a hurried appointment who I wanted to prove something to and he was…

Back in the EFT Saddle

By Dawn Norton |

I am SO EXCITED to be back at EFT and embracing it fully. I love all things coaching, but I adore the #eftcoach hat! I had a workshop day 2 weeks ago and helped 5 people overcome stuff they’d tried to all their lives. AND… The latest is a test anxiety course specifically for coaches…

EFT and Overactive Bladder

By Dawn Norton |

Once upon a time, I had a friend who I will call Linda that had a “bladder problem.” At unexpected times it just did not cooperate and created embarrassing experiences for her. She was very worried that she might end up “depending” on products to help her problem. I used the symptom/emotion list in the…


By Dawn Norton |

It’s an unfortunate fact in the world today, that many horrific things happen that cause long term trauma and anxiety for people. Whether it is witnessing something horrible, a personal experience of rape, childhood trauma, an unexpected accident or death, a soldier’s battlefield scars, or any of a number of upsetting things that leave their…

Food Addiction? Piece of Cake

By Dawn Norton |

No, that’s not an offer for a piece of cake. Because even if I did offer you a piece of cake and you are a cake addict, once I get through with you, chances are, you’ll be handing me the cake back. Don’t believe me? Then  you haven’t attended any of my free EFT classes.…

EFT – My Magic Wand

By Dawn Norton |

I had an unexpected call last night from someone who needed help. They knew my experience with EFT and wanted me to help them overcome a challenge. I often used to say that I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave to help take pain and suffering from people. I am GRATEFUL…

Easy Steps to Health. Part 1

By Dawn Norton |

This is the first in a series. If you are starting at the bottom and just want to feel better, I’ll be adding to the series…one or two a week. How to feel better and really be healthy. This week. WATER! The most important easy thing to change for optimal health is to drink good…

Why chew your food?

By Dawn Norton |

Did you know that you should chew your food a minimum 15 times before swallowing. In some cases upwards of 30-40 times! When it comes to chewing your food a good rule of thumb is to chew till food has turned to liquid and well-mixed with saliva; a piece of hard vegetable will take longer to…