The Tremendous Power of EFT

Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash Several years ago, when I was brand new to this strange EFT tapping thing, I had two amazing experiences with a friend in my community. I used the Movie Technique both times to bring total resolution to extremely difficult memories. I offered to teach her EFT because I knew she had experienced…

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My Fear of Scorpions

It is with so much satisfaction that I sit pondering the value of my Mindset Mastery education and Mentor Training. I’ve spent the last few hours looking over my  journal and forum entries. In one way, it’s disappointing that it took me so long to finish what I started, but in another way, it’s extremely gratifying to see…

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Back in the EFT Saddle

I am SO EXCITED to be back at EFT and embracing it fully. I love all things coaching, but I adore the #eftcoach hat! I had a workshop day 2 weeks ago and helped 5 people overcome stuff they’d tried to all their lives. AND… The latest is a test anxiety course specifically for coaches…

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EFT and Overactive Bladder

Once upon a time, I had a friend who I will call Linda that had a “bladder problem.” At unexpected times it just did not cooperate and created embarrassing experiences for her. She was very worried that she might end up “depending” on products to help her problem. I used the symptom/emotion list in the…

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Food Addiction? Piece of Cake

No, that’s not an offer for a piece of cake. Because even if I did offer you a piece of cake and you are a cake addict, once I get through with you, chances are, you’ll be handing me the cake back. Don’t believe me? Then  you haven’t attended any of my free EFT classes.…

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EFT – My Magic Wand

I had an unexpected call last night from someone who needed help. They knew my experience with EFT and wanted me to help them overcome a challenge. I often used to say that I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave to help take pain and suffering from people. I am GRATEFUL…

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